Azura is a a continent made up of numerous floating island city-states. A robust trade economy exists via flying airships between these islands; however, warring pirates often lay siege to these ships. Azura is the story of the pirate crew of the Swiftwrath and their struggles to liberate Azura from the forces of Pirate Lord Roberts, while reaping great reward for themselves in the process.
The Party
Mal Fortwhite
An orphaned winged ape wizard-monk from Castle Fortwhite. He looks like brown-haired chimpanzee or gibbon with skin wings, similar to a flying squirrel. He wears green and yellow robes similar to those of a Buddhist monk. He uses a quarterstaff as his weapon. His familiar is a small dragon named Todd.
Fizkizzle Plonkerdonk
An artificer gnome born of the Hightower Plonkerdonks. He has shoulder-length brown hair and a thick, unkempt beard. FizKiz uses his technomancer skills to build powerful wands and inventions for any occasion. He should be equipped with pockets and tools for building and numerous wands.
Sebastion Ladenos Escobar von Domista III
A sly, stealthy elf from the village of Nightsong on Wylde Island. He quickly made a name for himself as a swashbuckling rogue and notorious pirate. He is known for his over-the-top, dynamic fighting style and stunts.
Corbin Gearheart
A Warforged, Corbin is an eight-foot-tall clockwork man made of metal and powered by magic with a taste for minotaur slaying. The hulking automaton joined the future crew of the Swirling Mist Airship Club. He was built by Fizkizzle’s father. The only clothing he wears is a minotaur's skin as a hood and cloak, and he carries a powerful magic sledgehammer known as Bonebreaker.
Sha-Mo Chameau
A human druid from a nomadic desert tribe on the surface continent of Nimbola. He wears Bedoin-like attire and wields a scimitar. He possesses powerful magical spells that allow him to commune with nature, transform into wild animals, and heal others. His animal familiar is a dire lion named Patrick.
Other Characters
Allal Assan / Antonio Rodrigo Escobar von Domista III
A elven member of the Acquisitions Alliance, a thieves’ guild. He was SMAC’s most prominent fence on Hightower and is located in the Merchant’s Quarter. He was later revealed to be Sebastian’s presumed-deceased brother.
A powerful air elemental, responsible for the floating island continent of Azura.
Selkas Blackdagger
Human Captain of the Black Lady, worked for Roberts but allied with SMAC at the Battle of Border Bay. For this treason, he was executed by Roberts, and then resurrected as a zombie to serve in his army. He has a lean, but strong look about him, with long black hair and a devilish grin.
Ducan Blacktide
Pirate uncle of Quentin Stormbrow, of the same winged ape species as Mal Fortwhite and Stormbrow. He has grey fur and an eyepatch.
Crash Glinklock
A gnome courier who heads a small gang of steampunk jetpack-wearing gnomes. He has allied with SMAC in the past, and has now pledged allegiance to the Gadget City DFA. He is young and cocky, with the look of an aviator (and a bushy old-timey mustahce).
Dorgon Bloodfang
The bugbear king. During the arm-wrestling tournament, he tipped SMAC off that Hujin Shen was involved in the water theft and that the water was being held on Swordspear. Bugbears a race closely related to goblins, but three times their size, powerfully built with shaggy hair and beards.
Dirge Bloodspider
A dark elf and leader of the Underside Bloodspiders, a criminal organization that has bucked traditional rigid elf society in favor of crime and badassery. He has dark skin, white hair and spider imagery. Though he was aided by SMAC in the past, he has allied himself with Roberts’ forces.
Glock Sprocket
The Party
Mal Fortwhite
An orphaned winged ape wizard-monk from Castle Fortwhite. He looks like brown-haired chimpanzee or gibbon with skin wings, similar to a flying squirrel. He wears green and yellow robes similar to those of a Buddhist monk. He uses a quarterstaff as his weapon. His familiar is a small dragon named Todd.
Fizkizzle Plonkerdonk
An artificer gnome born of the Hightower Plonkerdonks. He has shoulder-length brown hair and a thick, unkempt beard. FizKiz uses his technomancer skills to build powerful wands and inventions for any occasion. He should be equipped with pockets and tools for building and numerous wands.
Sebastion Ladenos Escobar von Domista III
A sly, stealthy elf from the village of Nightsong on Wylde Island. He quickly made a name for himself as a swashbuckling rogue and notorious pirate. He is known for his over-the-top, dynamic fighting style and stunts.
Corbin Gearheart
A Warforged, Corbin is an eight-foot-tall clockwork man made of metal and powered by magic with a taste for minotaur slaying. The hulking automaton joined the future crew of the Swirling Mist Airship Club. He was built by Fizkizzle’s father. The only clothing he wears is a minotaur's skin as a hood and cloak, and he carries a powerful magic sledgehammer known as Bonebreaker.
Sha-Mo Chameau
A human druid from a nomadic desert tribe on the surface continent of Nimbola. He wears Bedoin-like attire and wields a scimitar. He possesses powerful magical spells that allow him to commune with nature, transform into wild animals, and heal others. His animal familiar is a dire lion named Patrick.
Other Characters
Allal Assan / Antonio Rodrigo Escobar von Domista III
A elven member of the Acquisitions Alliance, a thieves’ guild. He was SMAC’s most prominent fence on Hightower and is located in the Merchant’s Quarter. He was later revealed to be Sebastian’s presumed-deceased brother.
A powerful air elemental, responsible for the floating island continent of Azura.
Selkas Blackdagger
Human Captain of the Black Lady, worked for Roberts but allied with SMAC at the Battle of Border Bay. For this treason, he was executed by Roberts, and then resurrected as a zombie to serve in his army. He has a lean, but strong look about him, with long black hair and a devilish grin.
Ducan Blacktide
Pirate uncle of Quentin Stormbrow, of the same winged ape species as Mal Fortwhite and Stormbrow. He has grey fur and an eyepatch.
Crash Glinklock
A gnome courier who heads a small gang of steampunk jetpack-wearing gnomes. He has allied with SMAC in the past, and has now pledged allegiance to the Gadget City DFA. He is young and cocky, with the look of an aviator (and a bushy old-timey mustahce).
Dorgon Bloodfang
The bugbear king. During the arm-wrestling tournament, he tipped SMAC off that Hujin Shen was involved in the water theft and that the water was being held on Swordspear. Bugbears a race closely related to goblins, but three times their size, powerfully built with shaggy hair and beards.
Dirge Bloodspider
A dark elf and leader of the Underside Bloodspiders, a criminal organization that has bucked traditional rigid elf society in favor of crime and badassery. He has dark skin, white hair and spider imagery. Though he was aided by SMAC in the past, he has allied himself with Roberts’ forces.
Glock Sprocket
Glock heads a gang full of geniuses, the Gadget City Death from Above. The DFA is quickly becoming one of the more powerful criminal enterprises in Azura. With their original charter in Gadget City at the lead, and new charters springing up all over, these airborne gnomes are making a name for themselves. Armed with gyrocopters and steam-powered, electro-shock, repeating crossbows, Gadget City DFA is a group not to be trifled with. Glock's main squeeze is Fizkizzle Plonkerdonk's ex-girlfriend, Thedris Thistlebristle.
Lough Greenbottle
A halfling adventurer and giant wasp-rider from Allaria that helped establish Brighton and was the ambassador to Azura until Roberts took over.
Dag Hammerskull
Dwarven Pirate Lord, former governer of Swordspear. Roberts killed him and his crew after the Battle of Border Bay, only to resurrect him as a zombie thrall. He is an old dwarf, short and stocky, bald with a bushy grey beard and face covered in scars. He wears finery befitting a pirate lord, depicting the symbol and colors of his flag, a silver skull and crossed hammers on green.
The Lich
Once a powerful wizard and the creator of the Staff of Eternity. He has been corrupted by his power, and resided in a temple on the island of Dark Timber before being hunted down and killed by SMAC. He has a gross wizard beard and moth-eaten robes.
A powerful evil god, Prince of the Undead.
Lord Palmer
Head of the Hightower Military, an old soldier with sky blue and white plate armor.
Pirate Lord Roberts
Tall, muscled and lean, Pirate Lord Roberts is the bane of Azura. He has a very cold, calculating look about him. He has a long, neatly trimmed black beard with a few thin streaks of grey. His face is always obscured, either by a hood or half-mask. He wears black or dark grey with red trim. He carries a long black staff topped with a jade green skull. The skull imagery can appear in other places in his clothing (eg, belt buckle or clasp). He is Orcus’ most powerful agent on the material plane, making him the de facto leader of the Cult of Orcus.
Captain Hujin Shen
Roberts’ right-hand necromancer, a powerful snake-man. He has a snake body (no legs), a humanoid torso, reptilian skin and a big Fu Manchu mustache. Similar to Roberts, he wears hooded, black robes with red trim, and large ornate shoulder pads. He was killed by SMAC but later resurrected by Roberts.
Quentin Stormbow
A prominent shipbuilder of the same winged ape species as Mal Fortwhite located on the island of Port. He has black or dark grey fur. Eventually, he was revealed to be Mal Fortwhite’s secret brother, and aided SMAC and their pirate allies increasingly as tensions with Roberts mounted. He captains The Stormbrow.
Dakota Simms
A super hot and very successful human pirate. She captains an airship christened The Bitch, which she staffs with an all-female crew. She has green eyes and dark brown hair. She wears a blue bandana and keeps her hair back or up. She wears primarily earth-tone colors.
Gannat Splithoof
A hulking minotaur pirate captain who managed to unite the savage races under his rule. Bad news. His army threatened all of Azura, but he was killed at the Battle of Border Bay.
Talon Greyfeather
A fierce pirate captain who looks like a cross between a human and a grey hawk. He captains the Midnight Eagle. He dresses primarily in white, with blue accents. Operates primarily out near Cut Throat Island; frequents The Aerie, Stormspeak and Waypoint; can be contacted via owl. You can use your discretion on the bird-human balance.
Thedris Thistlebristle
A brilliant female gnome artificer, Thedris helped her love Fizkizzle Plonkerdonk create the Earthbinder Engine. Thedris later betrayed FizKiz, and is now involved with Glock Sprocket, the gang leader of the Gadget City DFA.
Vimak Bearkiller
A huge goliath pirate/mercenary with a penchant for killing bears. As a goliath, he is humanoid, but is nearly 8 feet tall, with bluish-grey skin and is completely hairless. He is the only surviving member of Selkas Blackdagger's crew and was recruited by SMAC. He was an unstable murdered before, and is practically unhinged now. The kind of guy you want on your side in a fight.
Lough Greenbottle
A halfling adventurer and giant wasp-rider from Allaria that helped establish Brighton and was the ambassador to Azura until Roberts took over.
Dag Hammerskull
Dwarven Pirate Lord, former governer of Swordspear. Roberts killed him and his crew after the Battle of Border Bay, only to resurrect him as a zombie thrall. He is an old dwarf, short and stocky, bald with a bushy grey beard and face covered in scars. He wears finery befitting a pirate lord, depicting the symbol and colors of his flag, a silver skull and crossed hammers on green.
The Lich
Once a powerful wizard and the creator of the Staff of Eternity. He has been corrupted by his power, and resided in a temple on the island of Dark Timber before being hunted down and killed by SMAC. He has a gross wizard beard and moth-eaten robes.
A powerful evil god, Prince of the Undead.
Lord Palmer
Head of the Hightower Military, an old soldier with sky blue and white plate armor.
Pirate Lord Roberts
Tall, muscled and lean, Pirate Lord Roberts is the bane of Azura. He has a very cold, calculating look about him. He has a long, neatly trimmed black beard with a few thin streaks of grey. His face is always obscured, either by a hood or half-mask. He wears black or dark grey with red trim. He carries a long black staff topped with a jade green skull. The skull imagery can appear in other places in his clothing (eg, belt buckle or clasp). He is Orcus’ most powerful agent on the material plane, making him the de facto leader of the Cult of Orcus.
Captain Hujin Shen
Roberts’ right-hand necromancer, a powerful snake-man. He has a snake body (no legs), a humanoid torso, reptilian skin and a big Fu Manchu mustache. Similar to Roberts, he wears hooded, black robes with red trim, and large ornate shoulder pads. He was killed by SMAC but later resurrected by Roberts.
Quentin Stormbow
A prominent shipbuilder of the same winged ape species as Mal Fortwhite located on the island of Port. He has black or dark grey fur. Eventually, he was revealed to be Mal Fortwhite’s secret brother, and aided SMAC and their pirate allies increasingly as tensions with Roberts mounted. He captains The Stormbrow.
Dakota Simms
A super hot and very successful human pirate. She captains an airship christened The Bitch, which she staffs with an all-female crew. She has green eyes and dark brown hair. She wears a blue bandana and keeps her hair back or up. She wears primarily earth-tone colors.
Gannat Splithoof
A hulking minotaur pirate captain who managed to unite the savage races under his rule. Bad news. His army threatened all of Azura, but he was killed at the Battle of Border Bay.
Talon Greyfeather
A fierce pirate captain who looks like a cross between a human and a grey hawk. He captains the Midnight Eagle. He dresses primarily in white, with blue accents. Operates primarily out near Cut Throat Island; frequents The Aerie, Stormspeak and Waypoint; can be contacted via owl. You can use your discretion on the bird-human balance.
Thedris Thistlebristle
A brilliant female gnome artificer, Thedris helped her love Fizkizzle Plonkerdonk create the Earthbinder Engine. Thedris later betrayed FizKiz, and is now involved with Glock Sprocket, the gang leader of the Gadget City DFA.
Vimak Bearkiller
A huge goliath pirate/mercenary with a penchant for killing bears. As a goliath, he is humanoid, but is nearly 8 feet tall, with bluish-grey skin and is completely hairless. He is the only surviving member of Selkas Blackdagger's crew and was recruited by SMAC. He was an unstable murdered before, and is practically unhinged now. The kind of guy you want on your side in a fight.
An eleven year old orphan from a small farming village on Harvest Moon, he joined up with the crew of the Swiftwrath looking for adventure. They brought him on as a cabinboy, nicknamed "Rucksack", and promptly forgot whatever his real name was. The ship's kindly cleric Father Benjen, took a liking to Rucksack, and spent the next 3 years sexually abusing the boy. One morning the crew found Father Benjen castrated and stabbed to death. No one really messes with Rucksack anymore.
Father Benjen
A kindly cleric hired on to the ship to serve as healer and tend to the wounded. His proclivities led to his eventual demise.
Lupus Nightstalker
A werewolf assassin employed by Gannat Splithoof, early on he was sent to murder the crew of the Swiftwrath in their sleep but failed. He was offered mercy and a chance to join the crew if he swore a blood oath which he did willingly. He proved himself to be a fast friend and loyal ally, eventually becoming the captain of the Green and Gold, one of the other SMAC ships. In his human form, Lupus has a wiry, but strong build, bald head and close cropped beard. When he became a captain, he bought himself a fancy green and gold outfit, but it quickly came to look ruffled, torn, and dirty from hard battle.
The Staff of Eternity
A powerful staff or scepter that grands the user eternal life.
The Censer of Azurohr
A holy censer necessary for summoning the air elemental.
The Earthbinder Engine
A powerful item built by Fizkizzle Plonkerdonk capable of dropping Azuran islands from the sky.
The Bag of Infinite Holding
A simple sack with the ability to hold an infinite amount of items at no increase to its size or weight.
The Oathbow
A powerful bow with divine accurace that deals massive damage to its targets. Recovered from the Lich on Dark Timber, it is now wielded by Sebastian.
The Swiftwrath
Flagship of the Swirling Mist Airship Club. Can hold up to 200 creatures.
Flag: A red body falling into a red swirl on a black sky.
The Sleepless
Pirate Lord Roberts' Ship
Flag: Green skull on a black field with a red border
Hightower Military Ships
Flag: White cross on a sky-blue field
The Bitch
Dakota Simms’ all-female pirate ship
Flag: White dog on a red field
Disciples of the Leviathan Ships
This twisted cult's ships are adorned with blood, intestines, entrails and skeletons of those they have sacrificed to the Leviathan.
The Midnight Eagle
Talon Greyfeather's ship.
Flag: Grey eagle on a black field
The Stormcloud
Quentin Stormbrow’s ship.
The Secretary General
Dag Hammerskull's ship, now destroyed.
Flag: Silver skull with crossed hammers on a green field
A SMAC ship that can hold up to 20 creatures, green and yellow colors.
Ballista Fiesta
A SMAC caravel with ballistas. Can hold up to 30 creatures.
The Winged Hammer
A SMAC caravel. Can hold up to 30 creatures.
The Long Fall
A SMAC ship that was stolen. Can hold up to 15 creatures.
The Aerie
Clearly a city designed by a race capable of flight, The Aerie is little more that a large succession of towers built into a heavily forested mountain. Some of the towers are in fact themselves centuries-old red woods. The Aerie is the capital city of the raptorans and populated almost exclusively by them, not for any reason other than the fact that members of most other races do not feel comfortable there and have trouble navigating around the city. Traders, merchants, and sky-captains find it a great place to do business however.
Border Bay
Literally on the border between the civilized and savage race-controlled islands, this pirate controlled island functions as a demilitarized neutral zone. Its buildings are a combination of solid human and dwarven construction and the more slapdash building techniques of the orcs. It is incredibly busy with commerce and before the pirate war started, was virtually the only place a gnome could sell his wares to a goblin or a bugbear could grab a drink with a human without someone having a problem with it. Recent warring has taken a toll on the land and the skies.
Castle Fortwhite
Though the island itself has no official name (an agreement made by the wizards and monks of the isle), the distinguishing feature of the wizard stronghold Castle Fortwhite has resulted in practically all of Azura's residents naming this small locale as such. Home to clans of peaceful wizards and monks, few visit the island other than to do the occasional trade or, thanks to the harmonious aura that envelops the island, to take a relaxing vacation.
Cut Throat Island
Currently governed by Talon Greyfeather, this island stands against Roberts and is the base of the free pirates, including Dakota Simms and Duncan Blacktide. Due to its location, it is one of the more cosmopolitan of the pirate islands, and visited by a number of races, particularly the bird-like Raptorans. Though undeniably dangerous, there is a more sophisticated culture. Its architecture is influenced by the high stone and wood buildings of Stormspeak and the Aerie. Buildings are connected on many levels with bridges and passways, so it is usually not necessary to return to the ground to pass between them. The climate is temperate, with frosty evergreen trees.
Dark Timber
The remnants of a decrepit forest perpetually wreathed in fog, Dark Timber is home to all manners of spirits, monsters, ghouls and other foul creatures and beasts that are attracted to a malevolent force that many believe is a powerful ancient artifact located at the island’s center. Most sailors keep well clear of the island as violent storms tend to envelop ships with no warning.
The dwarf capital city, Deepwell is located directly beneath Hightower and is nearly as big. Dwarves have adapted quite well to living in the sky oddly enough, simply exchanging their mountain homes for the upside down mountains on the underside of islands, creating large catacomb systems and a pueblo-like society. The miners and smiths of Deepwell (or rather the merchants who represent them) often travel up to Hightower to sell their wares. In recent years the dwarves have allowed gnome engineers to start modernizing their city much like Hightower and many believe the two cities may one day merge.
It is more of a series of interconnected islands, held together by strange vegetation, trees that grow like vines and vines that grow like trees. The whole area surrounded by thick mists, protecting it from the outside, and is imbued a deep, ancient magic. Feyfell is inhabited by all sorts of magical creatures, especially fairies or fey, as well as satyrs, centaurs, blink dogs, pixies, sprites, and all sorts of other things.
Gadget, the Moving City
A mobile, technological island; a steampunk wet dream. The gang Gadget City Death From Above operates out of here. The crew of the Swiftwrath have not yet visited this island.
The Staff of Eternity
A powerful staff or scepter that grands the user eternal life.
The Censer of Azurohr
A holy censer necessary for summoning the air elemental.
The Earthbinder Engine
A powerful item built by Fizkizzle Plonkerdonk capable of dropping Azuran islands from the sky.
The Bag of Infinite Holding
A simple sack with the ability to hold an infinite amount of items at no increase to its size or weight.
The Oathbow
A powerful bow with divine accurace that deals massive damage to its targets. Recovered from the Lich on Dark Timber, it is now wielded by Sebastian.
The Swiftwrath
Flagship of the Swirling Mist Airship Club. Can hold up to 200 creatures.
Flag: A red body falling into a red swirl on a black sky.
The Sleepless
Pirate Lord Roberts' Ship
Flag: Green skull on a black field with a red border
Hightower Military Ships
Flag: White cross on a sky-blue field
The Bitch
Dakota Simms’ all-female pirate ship
Flag: White dog on a red field
Disciples of the Leviathan Ships
This twisted cult's ships are adorned with blood, intestines, entrails and skeletons of those they have sacrificed to the Leviathan.
The Midnight Eagle
Talon Greyfeather's ship.
Flag: Grey eagle on a black field
The Stormcloud
Quentin Stormbrow’s ship.
The Secretary General
Dag Hammerskull's ship, now destroyed.
Flag: Silver skull with crossed hammers on a green field
Gadget City Death From Above
Flag: Black crow on a grey field
Gannat Splithoof's Ship
Flag: Grey minotaur skull on a brown field
Dirge Bloodspider's Ship
Flag: Red spider on a purple field
The Green and GoldFlag: Black crow on a grey field
Gannat Splithoof's Ship
Flag: Grey minotaur skull on a brown field
Dirge Bloodspider's Ship
Flag: Red spider on a purple field
A SMAC ship that can hold up to 20 creatures, green and yellow colors.
Ballista Fiesta
A SMAC caravel with ballistas. Can hold up to 30 creatures.
The Winged Hammer
A SMAC caravel. Can hold up to 30 creatures.
The Long Fall
A SMAC ship that was stolen. Can hold up to 15 creatures.
The Skysplosion
A SMAC ship
The Aerie
Clearly a city designed by a race capable of flight, The Aerie is little more that a large succession of towers built into a heavily forested mountain. Some of the towers are in fact themselves centuries-old red woods. The Aerie is the capital city of the raptorans and populated almost exclusively by them, not for any reason other than the fact that members of most other races do not feel comfortable there and have trouble navigating around the city. Traders, merchants, and sky-captains find it a great place to do business however.
Border Bay
Literally on the border between the civilized and savage race-controlled islands, this pirate controlled island functions as a demilitarized neutral zone. Its buildings are a combination of solid human and dwarven construction and the more slapdash building techniques of the orcs. It is incredibly busy with commerce and before the pirate war started, was virtually the only place a gnome could sell his wares to a goblin or a bugbear could grab a drink with a human without someone having a problem with it. Recent warring has taken a toll on the land and the skies.
Castle Fortwhite
Though the island itself has no official name (an agreement made by the wizards and monks of the isle), the distinguishing feature of the wizard stronghold Castle Fortwhite has resulted in practically all of Azura's residents naming this small locale as such. Home to clans of peaceful wizards and monks, few visit the island other than to do the occasional trade or, thanks to the harmonious aura that envelops the island, to take a relaxing vacation.
Cut Throat Island
Currently governed by Talon Greyfeather, this island stands against Roberts and is the base of the free pirates, including Dakota Simms and Duncan Blacktide. Due to its location, it is one of the more cosmopolitan of the pirate islands, and visited by a number of races, particularly the bird-like Raptorans. Though undeniably dangerous, there is a more sophisticated culture. Its architecture is influenced by the high stone and wood buildings of Stormspeak and the Aerie. Buildings are connected on many levels with bridges and passways, so it is usually not necessary to return to the ground to pass between them. The climate is temperate, with frosty evergreen trees.
Dark Timber
The remnants of a decrepit forest perpetually wreathed in fog, Dark Timber is home to all manners of spirits, monsters, ghouls and other foul creatures and beasts that are attracted to a malevolent force that many believe is a powerful ancient artifact located at the island’s center. Most sailors keep well clear of the island as violent storms tend to envelop ships with no warning.
The dwarf capital city, Deepwell is located directly beneath Hightower and is nearly as big. Dwarves have adapted quite well to living in the sky oddly enough, simply exchanging their mountain homes for the upside down mountains on the underside of islands, creating large catacomb systems and a pueblo-like society. The miners and smiths of Deepwell (or rather the merchants who represent them) often travel up to Hightower to sell their wares. In recent years the dwarves have allowed gnome engineers to start modernizing their city much like Hightower and many believe the two cities may one day merge.
It is more of a series of interconnected islands, held together by strange vegetation, trees that grow like vines and vines that grow like trees. The whole area surrounded by thick mists, protecting it from the outside, and is imbued a deep, ancient magic. Feyfell is inhabited by all sorts of magical creatures, especially fairies or fey, as well as satyrs, centaurs, blink dogs, pixies, sprites, and all sorts of other things.
Gadget, the Moving City
A mobile, technological island; a steampunk wet dream. The gang Gadget City Death From Above operates out of here. The crew of the Swiftwrath have not yet visited this island.
Essentially the capital of Azura, Hightower is both the largest island and the largest city. It is ruled by the last of the human kings, Lord Skye. While the humans rule, it is the gnomes who truly control the power in Hightower, literally. The city benefits from the engineering prowess of gnomes. Their ability to combine clockwork and magic to power their inventions has done vast wonders for the technology in Hightower. The city even has a train system. Gnomes are rapidly becoming the dominant race of Hightower with humans in a close second, however being the most cosmopolitan city of Azura, all races are welcome and present.
Mos Defly
Known as the best place for pirates to unload their goods, it is a huge trading port for gold, jewels and stolen merchandise. The thieves guild Acquisitions Alliance maintains a strong presence here, and more "legitimate" merchants will buy stolen items in Mos Defly and then take them down to Stormreach and sell them to a more affluent clientel. Additionally, Mos Defly is known for its many hookers.
New Baldun
Home to a few remaining clans of dwarves and gnomes, New Baldun was once a majestic mountain and valley that was nearly destroyed when the lands heaved upwards. Mount Derrunheim, formerly believed to be the highest peak on the earth, was practically split in half as rock and earth crushed what was once a sprawling gnome-filled valley called Kordar, wiping out a sizable portion of its population. The local dwarven capital of Gehrkerk, a previously grand city deep within Derrunheim, now lays half exposed. After millennia of off-and-on war between the two races, a result of each claiming the mountain’s collapse was the fault of the other, those that survived and elected to stay and rebuild now live in an uneasy truce, hoping to return the land to its prior splendor.
Once a segment of a massive desert, Outreach is now a hovering crag of sand and stone. Towering rock formations dot the landscape, interspersed with massive sand dunes and dried out lake beds. Before Azura ascended into the sky, some say thieves often used the labyrinthine tunnels underneath the largest of the rocky peaks, nicknamed Bandit Bluff, to hide their pillaged treasures. The last lake remaining, The Basin, located in the valley beneath Bandit Bluff, helps to sustain the few life forms left, yet is also a source of strife as many fight to take advantage of its benefits. Humanoid races are scarce on Outreach, though you’ll find the Asherati, Bhukas and Stonechildren scattered about. There are, however, plenty of other creatures that still find themselves at home on (and beneath) the parched surface.
If you're in need of a ship or ship repairs then look no further than Port. It's function as a stopover hub between continents and repair center for vessels of both the sea and sky hasn't really changed; only it's altitude has.
The most rough-and-tumble of pirate islands. Due to its remote location, it gets virtually no legitimate ships calling to its ports. Its denizens are ruthless and lawless, even by pirate standards. Its streets are a maze of dilapidated, thrown-together buildings, shanties and lean-to's. The climate is more tropical, and more flora and fauna are found here as opposed to the more urban Cut Throat Island and Mos Defly.
Skull Bay
While not actually a bay at all, SkullBay is effectively the pirate capital of Azura. A horrid, lawless place, sky-pirates can come to freely trade their goods with other shady figures. You will not find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.
Much like The Aerie and New Baldun, Stormspeak was once part of a great mountain range, only unlike the other two, it still looks very much the same. Home to many goliath and stone giant tribes, Stormspeak is an uncivilized, yet still noble place. It's residents live a simple, nomadic life, herding mountain goats and sheep, though some do find occasion to leave and are generally sought after for their size and strength. Additionally, Stormspeak boasts numerous communities of cave dwelling dwarves and cliff dwelling gnomes.
The buildings here are very dwarven-inspired, low to the ground, made from stone, with sparse high turrets.
Goodswell, on the island of Waypoint, was once a thriving trading post back when the world was whole. Hilly and green and punctuated by a stretch of bogs and marshes, its function hasn’t changed much now that the town is airborne. The clientele, on the other hand, has. More so a meeting place for shadier folks to buy or trade information, their services and rare weapons and other items, Goodswell has become the alternative for those that find Skull Bay a bit too precarious yet worry about the authorities clamping down in Hightower’s Red Light District. Multiple guilds have outposts here to recruit both new members and jobs to increase their renown. Those that can stand a long journey and still afford the steep docking fees needed to tie up their ships often end up leaving satisfied.
Wylde Island
A large flat, forested island, WyldeIsland is home to the halflings, elves, and fey of Azura. While the elves have built impressive settlements on the forest floor all over the island, the halflings have claimed the trees, building thatched-roof tree houses and even their capital city, Oakheart, high up amongst the leaves.
Surface Continents:

An archipelago to the south of Azura, Dracos is the place dragons call home. While its true that dragons can be found all over the world, Dracos is their true home. While most of the islands are volcanic mountains, Dracos boasts an impressive array different types of geography. It is also the homeland of the Dragonborn. No one knows the true origin of their race, but it is thought that human settlers once came to Dracos and eventually interbred with the dragons there. Most of the dragons on Dracos considered the dragonborn to be distant cousins of a kind, and treat them as such, however certain evil dragons have been known to subject towns and cities of dragonborn and rule over them, demanding taxes and tributes. Most outsiders avoid Dracos entirely for fear of angering the dragons who dwell there, but some very powerful, experienced adventures have found their ways there in search of fame and fortune.
A large continent to the east of Azura, Ellaria mostly consists of the kingdoms of Brighton and the Netherpit. The Netherpit is an entirely undead kingdom in the northern part of the continent. It was once a powerful mageocracy called Zarys, but 500 years ago when the ruling wizards decided to perform a ritual that would grant their entire population eternal life, something terrible happened (as these things do). The whole kingdom was killed and destroyed in an arcane blast heard round the world, but they all rose again as a undead creatures. Brighton, on the other hand, is a very young kingdom, having come into existence just 4 years ago. The land was once known as The Monarchy and was control by a seemingly immortal king known only as the Monarch, for hundreds of years. That is, until the Monarch was revealed to an undead lich in disguise and was killed and deposed by an intrepid group of adventurers. This act reignited a war with the Netherpit that had been ended by a truce 10 years earlier. The war still rages today. The border between Brighton and The Netherpit is an area known as the Million Acre Wood. It is mostly only inhabited by animals and magical forest creatures, though a permanent outpost called Silkwood exists in the center of the forest, serving as the northernmost boundary of Brighton. Additionally, there are some lands east of Brighton made up mostly of goblins, orcs, gnolls, bugbears, and the like, and controlled by a loose affiliation called the Council of Tribes. Though these tribes traditionally had warred with the Monarchy, they have built a strong alliance with Brighton, and were instrumental in both overthrowing the Monarch and the war with the Netherpit. It is thought that back when Azura was one continent and not up in the skies, what are know the savage islands was once connected to this part of Ellaria.
A Japan-like continent.
An Africa-like continent, which includes a vast desert. Sha-Mo Chameau hails from here. There is an immense desert known as the Desert of Tears.
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