Thursday, June 7, 2012

Barret Redesign

Barret Wallace redesign (in progress!)

Original for comparison....


  1. Awesome line drawing, as usual! Seems like there could be a lot of good design opportunities with the gun-arm. I think you're on the right track there, but maybe you should push the design a little so he looks more threatening. Maybe if you try doing a more mysterious/iconic design (V for Vendetta-esque, I guess), the gun-arm could be something more subtle? I'm not sure how explosive this guy's personality in the game actually is, but if the wiki is any good with descriptions then it could almost be some sort of symbolism of his explosive temper in contrast to his thoughtfulness towards the people and cause he fights for (wow okay I'm not sure what I'm saying anymore--moving on).

    On the flip side, you could try a design that's a lot more war-torn (since he lost a best friend and feels a moral obligation to help his daughter, so he's seen some tragedy), or something that almost looks like a soldier. Some of your reference images had that look to them.

    Also, question about the assignment: are we supposed to be keeping the original character's physical attributes and build, or designing face/body type/looks all from scratch in addition to the costume and props?

  2. I think you're right -- I will try some more extreme designs tonight!

    My impression is that you could change the body type or face or hair or whatever (perhaps even recommended), but you'll also want to keep in mind story stuff. As long as it fits the story I think it's fair game.

  3. Sweet Jesus! This is awesome man! I really like his face and facial expression in addition to his body type and how you posed him. Overall it's just a convincing and very readable design. I agree with Cydney on exploring the gun-arm further. To me the gun-arm is what will make or break the character. Also, pick a secondary detail (i.e. belt, scarf, pocket, or known as keepsake in Master Ng's class) and give it uniqueness to further enhance the character.

    As for Cydney's question, you can even change the gender, race, etc...for all the character design assignments! Sky is the limit.

    Good stuff man! Can't wait to see moars!
