Monday, August 20, 2012

Valley of Death

pic i have been working on for the last 4-5 days

worked practically the whole thing flipped the other way, then @ the end I thought it looked better this way..

since im not in class right now, you all are my best critique. bash away ^^


  1. Holy crap this is effing awesome

  2. Love how the skull mountains are all slightly different in the skull part. Lighting over the hill is fantastic. Really like the depth of field blur.

    Not sure if you used reference for this -- perhaps could use some more variety in the small rocks in the midground? Also, all skulls sim to have the "big front peak, small back peak, rhino-horn" setup -- was this intentional? Could perhaps vary more?

    Overall I think very successful -- great mood, believable space and texture, great light. Love it man.

  3. Sam the man! thanks for the crit.

    this started off as just mountains with peaks, and then I added the skulls to give it more story, but still is kind of boring. I really need to break the habit of not using enough reference, probably why my mountains look so blegh. the mid ground could definitely use more variety. crap... and for the rhino horn setup.. dam those do look like rhino horns. completely unintentional.

    wish I had you there next to me while I was painting this hahaha.

  4. This is great, man. Really good work with tonal contrast, perspective, the whole shabang. Also happy to see that the skulls are not all copy/paste. Good stuff.

  5. Thanks Will. you are too kind, good sir.
