Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bird Dude - Reworked

Reworked my bird guy after suggestions from Carllo. was not able to implement everything he suggested, like a new pose and different armor... but oh well. i wanted the armor to feel more unified

(tentative) art blog

Mentioned this in class today but for the record, my art blog is, which is where a lot of my assignments end up (doodles and fanart aren't posted there though).

I may make a blogspot at a later occasion, 'cause that seems to be what all the cool kids are doing, haha.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Yo all,
Sorry I have been away so long.  Being out of LA has given me a lot of excuses to slack off and have too much fun but I am trying to reign myself in and make some progress.  A friend of mine is putting together a bronze-age/early-man D&D campaign setting and that has given me a lot of ideas to practice digital painting.  all of these are worked off of scanned sketches (like the unfinished portions of the first image) then painted over/manipulated with photoshop.  Going to practice on increasing my color and tonal contrasts in the future.  How are your classes going, guys? 

Saturday, July 21, 2012

OMg a samurai

hey all, hope everyones been good.

so yea.. bird samurai. Just finished the line drawing which took forever. gonna render it and add a background, cheers.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

World of Warcraft race

My designs are for a rock/crystal race.  They were discovered by the dwarves.  They have high defense ratings, and maybe as you play, they go from being rock/coal to being more stone/diamond.  Players can customize what precious stone they want as skin tone (emerald, ruby, sapphire, etc) I wanted to keep the angles hard and their limbs and weapons weighty.

Males of this race are big hulking boulder dudes!!