Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bird Dude - Reworked

Reworked my bird guy after suggestions from Carllo. was not able to implement everything he suggested, like a new pose and different armor... but oh well. i wanted the armor to feel more unified


  1. I love the color palette you've gone with. I would rework the tail -- instead of it sticking out straight like a paintbrush, curve it parallel to the sheath of his katana and you'll get double emphasis on the form / silhouette and I think it will look more unified and organic / flowing.

    This guy could tie back into Azura!!

  2. hah yea now that you mention it, the tail could definitely use some reworkin. I really should, but I am working on new pieces instead, so for me it is one of those "i will just learn from this and move on" kind of deal..

    while I was recoloring it, i noticed a bunch of thing that I would change in the design, that it made me want to make a new version. could be down to relate him to talon Gfeather.
