Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Earthbinder Engine Sketches

Here are my sketches for the Earthbinder Engine, the powerful invention capable of dropping Azuran islands back to the surface of the world.  It was invented by Fizkizzle Plonkerdonk and his one-time love Thedris Thistlebristle, but is now in the hands of Pirate Lord Roberts.

I talked to Jon (who plays Fizkizz) and we discussed the idea that maybe the engine would have returned islands peacefully to the surface, but was weaponized.  Maybe the engine component is kind of graceful and well-crafted, and the gun and aiming mechanisms are kind of jury-rigged onto it.  The engine parts glow during operation.  When an island is hit with a blast, it crumbles and tilts as the forces of gravity grab hold of it.  Buildings and inhabitants slide off of its surface during its uneven descent and demise.

I wanted to play a little with abstract shapes that I would later render into a 3/4 perspective form drawing.  Design was tricky -- I fear I may have veered to sci-fi and not enough fantasy on some of these.  Anyway, would love some feedback so I can develop one of these into a more finished sketch!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sam those are awesome sketches. I like how on some of them you have gears sticking out, making it look really hand-built. I like how sleek the top one is and how it also has gears on it. I would maybe throw a seat onto the back end of the turret part so somebody can sit on it and maybe aim it. it may give it also a slightly raised silhouette on the back.

    Can't wait to see what colors you are gonna use man!
