Thursday, June 28, 2012

Harpy WIPs

Catching up on last week's work before I work on a final design. Two out of four ideas:

With the first sketch, I thought about making a creature that was more like a predator than a flying-woman thing—looked at and considered adding elements from vulture anatomy, pterodactyls, etc. Also made it blind and four-legged so the idea is it hunts by smell instead of sight (and on the ground versus from the air), and the wings have a skin webbing on the inside of the elbow joint meant for gliding, not flying.

The second sketch was done with the intent of making a mysterious old woman of a character, except that her face and body would be covered by her wings like a cloak and create an interesting reveal later. Maybe she could be a seer or an oracle or something, like the augurs in Roman religion that watched the movements of birds for signs and omens of future events.

Sooo... yeah. Any advice on what direction(s) I should take...?

I know somebody in the class already designed some harpies, but this is what I wanted to work on last week so I'm sticking to it. I'll post more when I finish the sketches, hopefully later tonight.

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